Digging in the dirt is one of the pure pleasures of life. More people should do it. We all have a gardener in our lives. The person whose greatest joy is getting out to the garden center. They love sowing their seeds exactly 1/4 inch apart. And the rototiller is a big, sexy beast. Maybe it’s you?
I’ve been in the garden since I was a wee child. My hippie parents made sure I knew what was happening, and where my food came from. These gardening gift ideas are all things that any gardener would love to receive.
Orbit Yard Enforcer Motion Activated Pest Deterrent Sprinkler
In a lot of the country, we have pests that ruin our gardens. Now, I’m not talking about aphids and gophers. We have things like rabbits, deer, and stray dogs. These creatures will come in and either dig up or devour your efforts in the blink of an eye. Protect your space with the Orbit Yard Enforcer. It’s a motion activated sprinkler that’s designed to deter pests. Once it senses a creature, it activates the sprinkler system. As the motto says, “Don’t hurt ‘em, just squirt ‘em.” Need more coverage? Just add a couple additional sprinkler heads.
Caswell-Massey New York Botanical Garden Hand Crème
Caswell Massey and the New York Botanical Gardens have teamed up for a great offering. They’ve done a line of hand crèmes based on some of the most popular flower varieties. Formulated with great ingredients like aloe, shea butter, hops, and rosemary. Know what these don’t have? Ingredients like parabens, phthalate, sulfates, or petroleum products. And they’re never tested on animals. The hand crèmes are available in Gardenia, Lilac, and Honeysuckle. Now you can not only be moisturized, but support a great organization, too.
Caswell-Massey New York Botanical Gardens Trio of Fragrances Soaps
Caswell-Massey has done it again with this luxe soap collection. Designed with the New York Botanical Garden, these gorgeous soaps are triple-milled, like the finest soaps are. They’re all vegetable based, which means there’s no kind of gross ingredients in them. And they are gorgeous. The colors are vibrant, and the soaps smell amazing. Each purchase goes to support the NYBG’s work in plant research, conservation, and education.
Muckster II Muck Boots
One of the things every gardener needs is a great pair of gardening boots. You need something that’s comfortable to wear, yet waterproof, and that you can hose off. Unless you want to totally ruin a pair of shoes with mud and dirt. The Muckster II boots from Muck Boots are perfect for gardening. The rubber outer boot is easily cleaned, while they keep your feet warm and dry. They’re also not too hot to wear during the summer months. Better yet, the tops roll down and they display a great coordinating lining. This is perfect for running errands or for a little style.
Cobrahead Weeder and Cultivator
Sometimes in life, that old adage ‘Keep it simple stupid’ applies. With the CobraHead Weeder and Cultivator, it just…fits. This tool easily breaks up soil and dislodges weeds with any fancy trappins. It is straightforward, and works as it was intended to do. The Cobrahead weeds, cultivates close to your precious flowers and vegetables, and can even be used to dig holes for planting. With no moving parts, it should last a long time, even with heavy use. You can even be use the Cobrahead to dig those pesky weeds that pop up at the edge of your walk or driveway!
Lonecone Boots for Kids
One of the joys of gardening is that anyone can participate. Get the kids out there, planting alongside you. Of course, they’re gonna need a pair of garden shoes too. These adorable boots from Lonecone are perfect. They’re available in a myriad of great colors and patterns, and won’t break the bank. With two pull-on handles, the kids can put on their own shoes, and these boots are easily cleaned. Personally, I’m partial to the campfire Critters and the Mermaid patterns.
Trilipiderm Skincare
One of the basic rules of being in the garden is the need for sunscreen. No one wants a sunburn, or worse. Trilipiderm skin care is designed to be used in the great outdoors. It helps your body retain its natural moisture, while also providing an SPF factor. It can be used by men or women. They use great natural ingredients in their line, so you can feel good about putting Trilipiderm products on your skin.
See how great these gardening gift ideas are? There’s something for all ages of gardening fans.
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