The countdown to Christmas is ON! It’s hard to believe that the big day is just a few months away. It never seems to fail. I have these grand plans for Christmas and the holidays. Yet, somehow, I find myself bringing store made cookies to the Cookie Exchange and buying gifts on December 24th. Ask me about the year everyone on my list got gumball machines.
With how busy we get during the holiday season, that time will go by in a blur. Here are some tips to help get ready for Christmas.
Countdown to Christmas Tips
Start saving money now. If you haven’t started yet, it’s never too late. We always spend more than we had anticipated at the holidays. Having an extra cushion to help soften the blow is never a bad thing. Even if it’s just $20 a paycheck, that’s an easy $400-500.
Start stocking up on some of the staples for baking. Flour, sugar, chocolate chips, and even butter will keep for quite a while. Adding a bag of flour here or a couple of packs of chocolate chips there won’t be that noticeable, and will really help with the sticker shock of holiday baking.
Begin gathering your recipes. Of course, you’ll make your tried and true recipes, as well as those family favorites. But if you want to try something new, take a test run. You’ll also want to run down the recipe list to make sure you’ve got that one oddball ingredient in the cupboard.
Plan out your decorations. Now, I’m not saying you need to take a test run, but at least have some idea of what you’re doing. If you want the biggest Griswold-esque Christmas light display, that takes some planning. Have things like power tools from Equip Supply, clips, extension cords, and a good ladder ready, too.
Start making your list of gift recipients, and what you want to give them. I know some people started this on December 26th last year, but I’m not one of them. Friends, family, co-workers. Maybe the paperboy or the dog groomer? Are you giving a gift, or a tip? Maybe you’ll give cookies or other homemade treats. Make a game plan, you’ll be grateful later.
Homemade gifts –what are your ideas, and who gets them? If you’re doing foods like jams, vinegars, infused oils, and homemade mustards, they need to sit for a while. The good news is that they’re also quite shelf stable! If you want to make a craft-type item, allow plenty of time for that, too.
Find a great hiding place. Any parent knows that this is a must-have. And every kid knows that wrapping the presents just means you have to be extra careful when you happen upon them! The biggest trick is to remember where you hid these gifts. The countdown to Christmas is on, after all!
What are your best Countdown to Christmas tips?